

Website Training

Website Training

Photo Credit: Mitch Bowmile

Once you are familiar with the ORMGP mapping interface it is quite intuitive and fairly straightforward to navigate. Two key features of the mapping interface to keep in mind:

  • Theme Maps – there are 14 different theme maps that group different information sources together – if you don’t find something on one theme map – make sure you use the pull down list to jump to other theme maps for a look. Use the “Layer catalogue” tool to show legend items from one theme map on a different theme map.
  • Specialty Tools and Analysis – click this button on the blue bar at the top of the map to see a number of unique and powerful ORMGP tools that can help you to filter data and to gain a fuller understanding of the flow system.

However, there are some functions and processes that you might now be aware of unless you saw that they were possible. Check out this series of videos that can help you to better understand some of the key features and capabilities of the ORMGP mapping interface.

Gain an overview of the ORMGP and some of the features of the website by watching this video. It also gives a very quick introduction to the powerful mapping portal that provides users with a wealth of spatial data and analyses.

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Thinking of future practitioners, and recognizing the out of sight nature of groundwater, the ORMGP has worked to gather signifcant hydrogeological stories from across the study area, often from retiring hydrogeologists. The video highlights some of these stories, noting that important cautionary lessons are to be learned from many of the presented stories.

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This video provides an introductory overview on accessing the water level data from the ORMGP website. The video shows examples of how to obtain and evaluate the hydrograph from a well. Some preliminary examination of the statistical tools is also presented,

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This video goes into more detail on the statistical analyses that are available from the ORMGP sHydrograph interface.

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This introductory video shows the different types of locations that are available through the ORMGP web map portal..

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his video introduces the concept of filtering which allows users to quickly focus in on wells or other locations that have specific attributes (e.g. wells greater than a certain depth, wells drilled in a certain year, wells with a certain name, etc.). Users can see where such locations plot on the map.

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This video introduces the ORMGP cross-section map and tool. Users can draw a cross-section anywhere within the study area and see the subsurface stratigraphy. In areas with no wells, users can draw a virtual borehole to see what they can expect before they drill a new borehole.

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The ORMGP has an extensive compilation of climate data from a variety of sources. These data help us to better understand water availability across the study area. This video presents an introductory overview of the climate data and how to access the data.

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Here we show you how to change the map display of locations. The video also shows how you can label locations on the map as well as how to use the Layer Catalogue to display layers from one theme map on to another theme map.

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This video takes users through the Clip and Ship tool which allows for the download of an extensive suite of data and maps in a user defined area. For consultants undertaking work on a specific site or property, this tool allows you gain access to much of the information on the website for transfer into your company’s GIS environment, for reporting purposes.

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This introductory session is designed to provide you with an overall orientation to the program and the vast data assemblage that is now available at your fingertips. Find out the breadth of subsurface and water related data available and how to quickly extract critical hydrogeological information that will provide you with an inside edge when preparing proposals or reports.

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This video, the second of four, was designed to provide an overview of the ORMGP’s three-dimensional geologic interpretation. Topics covered include an overview of the study area geologic history, conceptual model development, and the many elements used to interpret the geologic units. An over-arching goal of the program is to foster improved water management decisions in Ontario. The three-dimensional architecture of the various geologic units is seen as a vital component to the various aspects of flow system understanding, and by extension, water management decisions.

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This session, the third of four, was designed to provide an overview of the ORMGP’s water budget and time series analysis tools. The video was offered as part of the Oak Ridges Moraine Groundwater Program (ORMGP) training series that took place over the month of July, 2020.

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This last in a series of four sessions shows some of the additional features of the ORMGP website and how the site might be used to: 1) characterize sites of interest within the ORMGP study area; 2) address hydrological/hydrogeological issues that might arise in day to day workflows; 3) and to make use of the website for managing ongoing projects.

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