

Program Elements


ORMGP Monitoring Sites

overhead photo of farm fields along a body of water
Photo Credit: Greenbelt Foundation

ORMGP Monitoring Sites

Groundwater information is collected on an on-going basis at various locations within the program study area.

This information includes groundwater levels, groundwater temperature and chemical analyses. Pumping volumes are also measured and recorded at the municipal pumping wells. Within the study area there are three main groundwater monitoring networks:

  1. ORMGP monitoring network;
  2. Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network (PGMN) operated by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and partner Conservation Authorities; and
  3. Monitoring by municipalities (York, Peel, Durham) associated with water supply from groundwater sources.

ORMGP Groundwater Monitoring Locations.

The ORMGP groundwater monitoring network collects information from select locations shown on Figure 1 and listed in Table 1. Some of the monitoring facilities were installed by program staff and some locations were inherited from other programs as indicated in the table. The flow system occurring with the study area is interpreted to contain various “hydrogeologic settings” including:

  • Bedrock Valley systems carved by river and glacial erosion;
  • Tunnel Channel settings where meltwater beneath glacial ice has eroded to various depths into existing geologic deposits;
  • Till Plain settings where the alternating glacial-interglacial deposits laid down over the last approximately 125,000 years remain largely intact; and
  • The Lake Iroquois Plain situated along the north shore of Lake Ontario.

The data collected from the various monitoring locations (Figure 2) are used to interpret the behaviour of groundwater in the various hydrogeologic settings, and ultimately to build this knowledge into the regional flow system understanding.

Table 1: ORMGP Groundwater Monitoring Locations.

YPDT-CAMC SiteInstalled ByInstall DateHydrogeologic Setting
Boston Mills RoadORMGPSept, 2006Bedrock Valley
High ParkORMGPSept, 2003Bedrock Valley
Earl Bales ParkORMGPSept, 2006Till Plain
Warden AvenueGolder Assoc. for the City of TorontoJuly, 2011Till Plain
UofT 02 (Frenchman’s Bay)U of Toronto, M. Meriano, PhD 2007Dec, 2008Lake Iroquois Plain
UofT 04 (Frenchman’s Bay)U of Toronto, M. Meriano, PhD 2007Dec, 2008Lake Iroquois Plain
UofT 05 (Frenchman’s Bay)U of Toronto, M. Meriano, PhD 2007Dec, 2008Lake Iroquois Plain
UofT 07 (Frenchman’s Bay)U of Toronto, M. Meriano, PhD 2007Dec, 2008Lake Iroquois Plain
UofT CherrywoodU of Toronto, R. Gerber, PhD 1999Oct, 1994Till Plain
IWA -EE 1-11M.M. Dillon LimitedDec, 1993Till Plain
MOE GreenwoodOntario MOE (U. Sibul)April, 1972Lake Iroquois Plain
MOE ClaremontOntario MOE (U. Sibul)April, 1972Till Plain
UofT ClaremontU of Toronto, R. Gerber, PhD 1999Oct, 1994Till Plain
Port Perry 4th LineGenivar for Durham Region Tunnel Channel

Figure 2: ORMGP, PGMN, and Municipal groundwater monitoring locations.